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Visual Basic - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

كورس مميز للمهندس شريف فتحي يشرح به لغة الفيجوال بيسك بالتفصيل
عناوين المحاضرات التي تم شرحها في الجزء الأول:
-Introduction into visual studio 2010.
How to download VS2010?
How to open the program?
VS2010 interface – part one (Quick info.)
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 002
VS2010 interface – Part two
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 003
Create a small program.
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 004
How to open a project?
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 005
Properties window – Name & Text (caption)
Creating a web application
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 006
Command window
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 007
Task List
Variables Types.
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 008
Create a small application for practice on variables & Types [calculator] – Part 1
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 009
Create a small application for practice on variables & Types [calculator] – Part 2
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 010
Create a small application for practice on variables & Types [calculator] – Part 3
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 011
How to create executable file?
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 012
Data Type Conversion
Option Strict On/Off (default)
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 013
Working with String Functions
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 014
Some system function
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 015
Lion Game
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 016
Date & Time
Working with timer.
Working with menustrip
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 017
Sub vs Function – part 1
Sub is not return, Function is return
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 018
Sub vs Function – part 2
If condition
Select Case – part 1
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 019
Select Case – part 2
End vs Application.Exit() vs me.close()
Working with openFileDialog PictureBox controls
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 020
MinValue & Max Value for dataTypes.
Round vs Floor vs Ceiling
Date > type within two ## like > #12/12/2016#
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 021
You can change a text of form at runtime.
Menu strip (English - French)
& before word > accelerator key
You can change a text of form at runtime (English or French)
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 022
Fadeout – change opacity of window after clicking close
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 023
Loops via For
You can pass start, end and step from user
Exit for
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 024
Loop via while, do while, do until
Do while loop vs do loop while
Do until loop vs do loop until
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 025
Show line numbers
Tools > options > text editor > select line numbers
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 026
Startup form
Lifetime and scope of variables
Working with checkbox
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 027
Inputbox (prompt)
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 028
What happens if..
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 029
Random Class
Environment Class
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 030
Working with Listbox – part one
Add items via wizard & code
Working with fonts
imports System.Drawing
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 031
Working with Listbox – part two
Remove vs RemoveAt
Remove SelectedIndex
SelectedIndex = -1 > no items selected
Select location {beginning or last}
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 032
Working with Listbox – part three
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 033
Working with Listbox – part four
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 034
Working with Listbox – part five
Remove all items > clear()
KeyDown event > Keys.Delete
Inputbox and listbox
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 035
Working with Listbox – part six
Selected item in MessageBox
Add items via With
dding using another listbox
Display x and y of form
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 036
Login Form
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 037
String (Properties and methods) part one
-Visual basic 2010 lesson 038
String (Properties and methods) part two

عناوين المحاضرات التي تم شرحها في الجزء الثاني:
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson001
What is database?
Quick view of the benefits of database
The most popular database vendors
What is SQL stands for?
within coming lessons, we going to know:
• Binding Source
• Binding Navigator
What is DBMS means?
The main objects in DB
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson002
Example of tables
Columns or Fields
Rows or Records
Create First MS access Database (library.accdb)
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson003
You can work ADO.Net with
Text Files
XML Files
Excel Files
Relational DB (Access, SQL Server, Oracle .. etc)
ADO.Net environment
Connected environment
Disconnected environment
Main layers
Binding Source
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson004
Encrypt the access db with password.
Dome of dataGridView properties
Enable Adding – Enable Editing – Enable Deleting – Enable column Reordering
You can change table from data member
One Adaptor is created for each member (table)
You can disallow users to modify from dataDridView
Row header is visible
Selection mode
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson005
Textboxes and binding navigator
Details (all controls or some of them)
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson006
Server Explorer
Create connection
Retrieve data
Create query
DataSource & DataSet
You can change textbox to combobox
More about DataGrid properties
ColumnHeader (Visibility)
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson007
More about DataGrid properties
You can allow user to order columns
Right to left (true or false)
More about Binding Navigator
Change its place
Change some properties from the arrow in the top corner
How to set DB path in your application (connection string)
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson008
Lookup wizard (make relation between two tables)
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson009
Query Adapters
How to create query
How to use it in insert, update and delete
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson010
Validation – 2 levels of validation
Working with error provider
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson011
How to delete from DB
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson012
How to Search within DB
You can use textbox_changed event
You can use radio buttons for search or no filtering
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson013
Using Code – part 1
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson014
Using Code – part 2
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson015
Using Code – part 3
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson016
Using Code – part 4
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson017
Using Code – part 5
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson018
Filtration using date
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson019
Create library DB and 2 tables application – part 1
Relation between 2 tables
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson020
Create library DB and 2 tables application – part 2
Relation between 2 tables
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson021
Transaction – part 1
Begin transaction
Roll back
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson022
Transaction – part 2
Begin transaction
Roll back
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson023
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 1
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson024
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 2
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson025
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 3
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson026
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 4
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson027
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 5
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson028
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 6
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson029
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 7
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson030
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 9
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson031
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 10
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson032
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 11
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson033
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 12
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson034
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 13
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson035
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 14
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson036
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 15
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson037
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 16
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson038
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 17
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson039
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 18
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson040
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 19
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson041
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 20
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson042
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 21
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson043
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 22
-VB2010 Access2007 Lesson044
Create project Using ADO.net from A to Z – part 23

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